Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The picture shows a people that desire to walk and live in a manner that is pleasing to the Creator Hashem. To walk in the 'name' is to walk in the character. In order to walk in the character of God, one must know and accept the Torah commands on behavior. The 613 Mitzvot are simply laws of nature and nature's Creator's laws. If you drive 55 in a 20 mph zone you get a fine. Worse you could get locked up in jail. If you jump from an airplane without a parachute, you fall gracefully until you reach the end, at which time you say, "splat!" If you cheat on your God, you find yourself walking outside of the relationship, just like you would if you cheated on your spouse. While many religious spirits will go off into a tyrade about faithfulness, those same people who are quick to judge those who have fallen forget that they too, have cheated on their God. Yes, I said it. You are all adulterers and only the lying spirit would tell you otherwise. God has sent His only Begotten Son to die for your sins, and even after you found out about Jesus/ Yeshua and confessed your sins, you still fell down. Granted you may not get drunk or use drugs anymore but you still get intoxicated on other's sin. Jesus says if you so much as thought the thought in your head you have committed the act. So, Where do we stand? If we are honest we have all made mistakes, some over and over, and yet we pretend that we aren't wicked. The idea is a lifestyle that encourages righteousness. It is not a lifestyle that deceives us into thinking that we are in some way more righteous or perfect in and of ourselves. We understand that we on our own are not righteous, but we can strive to renew our relationship with Yeshua on a daily, hourly and by the minute basis. When we break the law in our country, you do not lose your citizenship. The same can be understood about God's plan for us in His kingdom. He knew you would fall. he knew you would fall even after you got "saved". so relax and renew, repent and be restored.
Confess your nature to miss the mark and sin to your Messiah Yeshua and be made new.
The Jewish people are a people, not a religion. Religion has stolen from us the inheritance that says even though I was once outside the camp destined for a life long hell, I have been redeemed by the pprecious blood of the eternal covenant of salvation for mankind. The Covenant of Salvation brought near by Yeshua is the covenant you and I can embrace, take hold of and put to use.
The people in the video were not starting a war. They were just attempting to live in lifestyle articulated by God to Moshe and to our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Where is the offense? so many mothers, fathers and children slaughtered because they willing and joyfully embraced the lifestyle of our fathers.
Is not the religion of the world secularism?
Look and see what promises secularism holds for humanity.
Be careful whose side you stand on. God's or the World's.
Leaving Egypt!
Recently it was made clear to me that we must leave the old mindset.
this is the message that I sent back in regard to the current Egyptian system we are under being brought up in conversation. True that our current "leader" is not pro- God of Israel and infact by actions could be understood to be anti- God of Israel and pro- Islam. However we must remember that because of the hearts of the Israelites being wicked, they elected a leader over themselves that turned out to be Saul who sought to destroy the true King of Israel whom Samuel anointed. Yeshua is that King from the House of David and today He lives in you!
In response to “this nation’s leader has sold out the blessings of Yeshua for pottage”
You are right that this pharaoh has indeed sold out the diligent ones who once saved the people. We have lost the vision because we have forsaken the words given to us by Moses. The words that tell us to teach our children the nature and character of our God. We have failed to do so and our children have joined the ranks of the world system; that of Satan and that of the Pharaoh who knew not Yosef. This so called leader doesn’t know Yeshua and he despises all who wear his name or bear His character.
A whole culture of People is under attack
At one time just 70 yrs ago a man rose up in Germany who set out to utterly eliminate a whole culture; a whole lifestyle. A world population that strived to know and obey the Creator of the Universe. This people at one time knew the Moedim; the appointed times and seasons. They had dignity and took pride in the opportunity to be called children of God. They embraced a lifestyle of the Messiah Yeshua. They; the children of God were an offense to those who were brought up outside of instruction as they were also an offense to those who willingly chose to live outside of instruction. To live apart from the Torah is to be unclean, common, and gentile.
There was only two classes of people; those who chose to live in order and those who chose their own ways; chaos.
Today we stand in a country that we have allowed to fall apart because we failed to secure the walls. We may have destroyed Hitler but the world system has seemingly destroyed the very fiber of our being. That fiber used to be what made us, it was what set us apart. We are not better than others by creation but we choose to be better than we’ve been by adhering to the principles and precepts given to us by Hashem through the hand of Moshe. Those principles and precepts reveal the Mystery of Yeshua and outline what salvation looks like.
I raise my hand and I confess that it is my fault. I vow to make Teshuvah and to begin to restore order to God’s creation.
In order for this land to look like the kingdom that Yeshua came to establish, men must return to the Torah and we must submit to authority and instruction. Too many people go from this teacher to that one, seeking new revelation and never satisfy their hunger. That hunger is the result of never finishing a “meal”. The Kingdom of Heaven is korba/ at hand. Yeshua, Elohim and the Ruach are Echad. When the Ruach came in Acts 2 the presence of Yeshua was made manifest in the spiritual. First comes the physical and then the spiritual.
Just as a boxer trains in the physical seeking the day when all the training becomes part of his spirit so shall we train like Rav Shaul; not simply beating the wind but walking out the lifestyle of a people who once existed in the world. A people who lead and do not follow. We shall be a people who lead by example. We are the people who rebuilt the temple. We are the people who can stop the downward spiral. We are a people born to create and restore and resurrect that which was once dead. We are that people. Satan could not kill us. He still can’t and won’t, if we rise up. I hear Yeshua’s B’Kol voice saying, “Lazarus, Come!”
It is time for us as a people to restore the vision to our old men and dreams to our young.
I am so excited for what God is doing and can do through a stubborn donkey like me. I am so glad that I am that @$$ in the wilderness but I am coming home baby!
I willingly accept being the scapegoat. Someone has to say, “It’s my fault! I will clean it up!” or else it will never change, it will never be cleaned up. No one today is man enough to take the blame. But if taking the blame or receiving the responsibility means there’s a chance for restoration and revival of Nineveh, then count me in.
I accept the ‘scapegoat’ role. I receive the guilt of the nation so that now that Yeshua is bringing me back from the wilderness it shall be for the atonement of the whole nation of Israel.
Whooooo! Hallelujah! If you don’t get excited about that, you better check your pulse.
I love you and encourage you dear brethren, it is not over. After all the vertically challenged lady hasn’t sung yet.
Where is Mr. Smithkowitz goes to Washington? That person is You. You are powerful enough to make great changes in your community/kibbutz. It begins with us. Yeshua lives in us, his healing virtue and His Word is written all up inside of us. What are we waiting for? Open up our hearts, return to the land that God gave to our fathers, drink the sap from the Tree of Life and begin living. God wills it for us.
Yeah though the temple has be desecrated, it is still the house of the LORD and worthy of restoration.
Avinu Melecheinu, Our Father and our King I repent that I have not established your kingdom in my life until now. I thank you for your Chesed/Grace and Mercy. I receive it though I do not deserve it. You are the only God. My Children will know your name; Yeshua for you are our Salvation. Take over my life and restore my eyes that I see what you see and my ears that I hear your voice and nothing else. You are my source and my sustainer, my redeemer and my refuge in times of trouble. I have taken my eyes off of your hands and sought to protect myself in futility. Breathe your Ruach into my lungs and restore life to this dry heap of bones. Cover me with your skin/Torah and cause your people to live once again. Amen!
If you can say that prayer, there’s hope for the world. His name is Jesus/Yeshua Ha Moshiach!
Pastor Donald J. Maher
Beit Tikveh U'Nesim
House of Hope and Miracles
1018 State Park Rd
PO box 1145
Lockhart, Texas 78644
Do not be discouraged at the future but rather be encouraged about your future. The L-rd our God and Savior Yeshua has not nor will not forsake you. However we should be troubled at the pessimism found within the “resurrected body of so-called believers”. We must begin to rejoice in our identity as Judeos por Yeshua. Dancing and eating is not a sin but we don’t rejoice as the bride at her wedding. It is like we are the cynical bride who says , “I do, but I bet we don’t make it.” I feel sad for Yeshua that His bride has allowed her vision to be stolen by the milk man and the mail man named Lucifer and Satan. Our Creator, Owner and Savior is good, just, mighty and trustworthy. We have scales upon our eyes. The scales of pessimism are as sin in our eyes. We must celebrate our salvation as in Simchat Torah. The Word, The Torah, The Lord Jesus, the Incarnate Word, Salvation, are all contained within the Spirit of the Redeemer Who is the Ha Torah. I watched the Holocaust videos and saw an entire group of people being exterminated because they choose to live for Hashem. Why can’t we also be half as fervent about our culture as those beautiful people were. We must get involved and teach our children leadership and vision. WE have had our inheritance stolen for so long and we also have forsaken the identity for so long that we are unwilling to receive restoration without reservations. Our guilt and years of training in the art of self flagellation has crippled our ability to walk out the restoration, salvation and deliverance that we teach is in Yeshua. Be strong! Do not be discouraged, you are such an encouragement to those who are watching. Those outside the camp are looking for hope and miracles. But if we sing a dirge and weep and gnash our teeth we won’t be able to sell ourselves umbrellas in the rain. We are the hope of nations and looking upon our raggedy Ann selves the future seems bleak at times. We must breath in the Ruach and be made strong. Lead we shall, I want to see young children fervent for Torah happy to grow Payot and wear tzitzit and the like.
SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your Father Loves You! The Story in the Torah says we win! Remember???
The Kingdom of Heaven is ‘Korba at hand
How is your vision?
How are your eyes?
How is your heart?
How is your lungs?
How is your life?
The Word says, Without a vision my people perish.
Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Jesus says, I came to give sight to the blind.
Isaiah 35:5 Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped.
To mend the broken hearted;
Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
To breathe My Spirit into them;
Ezekiel 36:26-28 26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit inside you; I will take the stony heart out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 I will put my Spirit inside you and cause you to live by my laws, respect my rulings and obey them. 28 You will live in the land I gave to your ancestors. You will be my people, and I will be your God.
You see you have been adopted into the seed of Abraham who through faith was counted righteous. It is through your faith and not by your works that you are counted righteous.
It is said that your faith is only as good and strong as the object or person in whom you place it in. When you trust the finished work of Yeshua/ Jesus and place your faith and trust in Him, you are trusting in The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob… you are trusting in the God of the Bible, you are trusting in the Messiah your Savior. He had and has rules to live by that secure the blessings for us and for our children.
Is Healing for today? Yes! Undoubtedly. However, if you look back on the Scriptures it clearly states a prerequisite;
Deuteronomy 7:12-15 (if or because you listen to the words and obey them the Lord our God will bless you and heal your body and your land.
The KING of kings has a constitution to His kingdom. That constitution is our blessing, it is our inheritance that we rejoice at receiving. Most of us have essentially moved to the land but have not received our full citizenship in the Kingdom. The reason is because we are waiting to be taken up to Heaven in order to receive the full manifold destiny of salvation. However the KING has claimed you as His own and its time you received your identity. You are a citizen, end of story.
How many have received a traffic citation and never doubted their citizenship in the community they live in? How many walk around thinking that they still have more work to do before they can claim “full” citizen rights? True you may not be walking in authority of the KING but you still have rights and privileges.
Adonai has restored to us the dominion over the earth and over the fallen one. But, because we do not know the full character of Jesus we do not know His nature. We fear that we aren’t really His ‘am segulah’ His special treasure. Jesus/ Yeshua loves you with an everlasting love and pours out His mercy and His grace all up over you. When you receive your identity as a child of the Living God, saved by the blood/covenant/ marriage to the Lamb then by the Holy Spirit you will desire to walk in a manner that reflects your Savior’s lifestyle and no longer will we adhere to the lifestyle of our past. In essence you will be born again, AGAIN!
To adhere to the thoughts and mindset of your past is like bringing ‘soul ties’ into bed with you and your spouse. It is unacceptable.
The old is gone and the new has come. You are a new creation. Say it! “I am a new creation, the old is gone. I am made new through Christ Jesus, Yeshua Ha Moshiach. I am being made new each and every day, I will possess the land that was promised to my forefathers. That land is the Written Word of God/ The HaTorah. It is the very word that Jesus quoted time and time again. It is the bible that Peter, Paul, Timothy, Titus and Matthew, Mark and all of the Talmudim, Disciples read, studied and were confirmed in.
Within the Torah is the prophecy of our rebellion and our redemption. We are indeed in the Last Days and the Spirit of Yeshua; the Spirit of God is being poured out upon all men (and women). That Spirit will move you to return to the hearts of your fathers; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Luke 1:17)
By faith we receive our inheritance, and inheritance of eternal salvation through Jesus/ Yeshua. But we need to have faith tied to instruction. That instruction is not found in gurus and magic potions or new age belief systems. It is found in the precepts, principles and attributes of our LORD and Savior Yeshua.
Real men love Jesus, but not enough of us know Him well enough to look like Him and we most certainly aren’t walking like Jesus. Won’t you join in the most important movement in our community today? It is the movement toward walking and talking and behaving in a manner that would be pleasing to our God.
How’s your relationship with Jesus?
Is it strong enough? For who?
Is it all you want, do you have enough? Are you sure? What would Jesus say?
Men your are the leaders of your homes, the providers for your family and the protector to your wife and children. Through He that lives in you, you can do all things. Can you show up for Shabbat?
I am looking forward to seeing you.
The Kingdom of Heaven is ‘Korba at hand. Make straight your path!
And all these blessings shall overtake you… because you listened and do the Mitzvot.
Pastor Donald and Annette Maher
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