Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The picture shows a people that desire to walk and live in a manner that is pleasing to the Creator Hashem. To walk in the 'name' is to walk in the character. In order to walk in the character of God, one must know and accept the Torah commands on behavior. The 613 Mitzvot are simply laws of nature and nature's Creator's laws. If you drive 55 in a 20 mph zone you get a fine. Worse you could get locked up in jail. If you jump from an airplane without a parachute, you fall gracefully until you reach the end, at which time you say, "splat!" If you cheat on your God, you find yourself walking outside of the relationship, just like you would if you cheated on your spouse. While many religious spirits will go off into a tyrade about faithfulness, those same people who are quick to judge those who have fallen forget that they too, have cheated on their God. Yes, I said it. You are all adulterers and only the lying spirit would tell you otherwise. God has sent His only Begotten Son to die for your sins, and even after you found out about Jesus/ Yeshua and confessed your sins, you still fell down. Granted you may not get drunk or use drugs anymore but you still get intoxicated on other's sin. Jesus says if you so much as thought the thought in your head you have committed the act. So, Where do we stand? If we are honest we have all made mistakes, some over and over, and yet we pretend that we aren't wicked. The idea is a lifestyle that encourages righteousness. It is not a lifestyle that deceives us into thinking that we are in some way more righteous or perfect in and of ourselves. We understand that we on our own are not righteous, but we can strive to renew our relationship with Yeshua on a daily, hourly and by the minute basis. When we break the law in our country, you do not lose your citizenship. The same can be understood about God's plan for us in His kingdom. He knew you would fall. he knew you would fall even after you got "saved". so relax and renew, repent and be restored.
Confess your nature to miss the mark and sin to your Messiah Yeshua and be made new.
The Jewish people are a people, not a religion. Religion has stolen from us the inheritance that says even though I was once outside the camp destined for a life long hell, I have been redeemed by the pprecious blood of the eternal covenant of salvation for mankind. The Covenant of Salvation brought near by Yeshua is the covenant you and I can embrace, take hold of and put to use.
The people in the video were not starting a war. They were just attempting to live in lifestyle articulated by God to Moshe and to our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Where is the offense? so many mothers, fathers and children slaughtered because they willing and joyfully embraced the lifestyle of our fathers.
Is not the religion of the world secularism?
Look and see what promises secularism holds for humanity.
Be careful whose side you stand on. God's or the World's.

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